The Decentralized Initial Offering (IDO), is a cryptocurrency (token) offering that takes place on a decentralized exchange (DEX). Unlike an ICO, where tokens are sold before being listed, in an IDO the tokens are immediately listed in the DEX under which they are launched. The advantages of the IDO are to participate in a totally decentralized way and redeem the token at the moment of payment.
MoneyBolt IDO
Joining an IDO is quite simple, all you need is a Web3 wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, MoneyBolt, etc.) and access the decentralized DEX application. Once there, you just have to search for the MoneyBolt project and select it.
The IDO campaign is published after the ICO, therefore, the entry value to buy BYT is greater than that presented in the ICO, as a large part of the capital has already been raised.
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